Vivian Mattei

Here, you will find the details of my formation and my work up to the current moment:
Ontological Business Coach, trained by Newfield Consulting, directed by one of the creators of ontological coaching, Dr. Rafael Echeverría, For Lauderdale, USA, 2001-2002.
Facilitator of Appreciative Dialogues, trained with Ronald Fry, Ph.D. in Montevideo, Uruguay. Margarita Bosch by Unindus, 2006-2007.
Master of Creativity – focus on creative leadership, with Hilda Cuñeque, Creativity Consultant.
I have organized and hosted various workshops on coaching, organizational education, leadership and group work in several businesses. I have also assisted head and middle managers in personal coaching.
For ten years, I have been an associate manager of a small business of oleo hydraulic products, which has offices in both Buenos Aires, Argentina and São Paulo, Brazil. Through such experience, I have developed skills in the areas of finance, marketing, customer service and employee training.
Other Training
Seminar on the Direction of Small Businesses, “Internal and External Crises in Family Businesses,” Ernesto Beibe.
Creative Negotiation and Creative Problem-Solving, Hilda Cañeque.
Crisis and Possibility, Jim Selman.
Integrated Corporal Therapy, Chia Rodriguez.
Training at Work with Energy, Rhea Powers.
Energetic Healing, Nora Roseaux.
The Moving Center School, Medicine and Dance, Gabrielle Roth.
Certified in Proficiency in the Portuguese Language, Minister of Education – Secretary of Higher Education.
Certified as Intermediate in the Byron Bay English Language School Australia.
I currently direct a personal venture with Mandalas and work in the Network.